Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bitter SWEET!!

Well we received some documents that are kinda Mikes orders through email yesterday. Mike was reading them but didn't read them and so he walks away and I sit down to look at them. It was only 3 pages so I scroll down to the bottom of the page and the very last sentence was all capitalized and in bold lettering so it caught my attention. It said something like UPON COMPLETION OF TRAINING AT FT. BENNING YOUR FIRST DUTY STATION WILL BE


So most people would be really excited about this but we weren't, in fact we were pretty disappointed. Mike was in the top 1% of students so he should've had his number one choice which was NOT Hawaii. We wanted Ft. Bragg, Italy, New York, Kentucky, then finally 5th we put Hawaii not even thinking we would get it. We were hoping to go somewhere that would be good for his career, not that Hawaii won't be we just really wanted Bragg or Italy because they have better training, or so we've been told. I think that most people want Hawaii so they can play and relax not so they can work their tails off because they are serious about their careers. Anyway we've had time to think about it and we are now fine with it and excited about it. It will be a fun adventure for us, Mike will most likely be deployed but it will still be fun! I'm pretty pasty white so I better start tanning now! We will most likely be done with training at Ft. Benning the end of next year sometime so we are thinking that we will have a tropical Christmas next year!! Save your money folks and come visit cause you have a place to stay!!


Tolman Family said...

Congratulations, sort of :) You never know what awaits you in beautiful Hawaii!

Anonymous said...

We seriously just might have to take you up on that! At least you know now, I think the not know would drive me crazy.

Groovy Gardners said...

Hawaii, we have always wanted to go! good for you..but sad for me...cuz you are already far away!


whaddayamean bittersweet?! LOL! I would be pumping it up...pump pump pump it up...going to Hawaii! Glad you guys are excited about it now. I bet Mike will be able to make great career moves in Hawaii too. He's a smart guy and a hard worker. And I heard if you are an officer and you don't want your duty station, you just find an officer with the same job at another station who wants to switch and you can try getting a different station that way.

Anyways, take lots of beautiful pictures of the beaches and palm trees and make me oh so jealous! Who knows, maybe in a couple years we'll get to go there too!!

P.S. Ryan's aunt and uncle are out there. They are really cool. If membership is small enough, look for the Bennions.

OederFamily said...

I have to say that I am only slightly envious. I would love to see Hawaii, but living there for 2 years... Uh... on an island in the middle of the Pacific... yeah, I don't think so! I know that you will make the best of it though! Good luck!

Hailey & Jared said...

Hopefully it works out for you guys! It was fun seein you have BEAUTIFUL little girls!

Clark and Kristen Daniels said...

Well we may take you up on the offer to come a stay!